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Keep your eyes on the road!

As MC Hammer sings so famously, “don’t touch it”. When you’re behind the wheel, your smartphone must stay out of your way. We all know that you shouldn’t use your smartphone and drive at the same time, but it’s hard to resist.

Why is this? Fear of missing out (FOMO) when you receive a message, the desire to save time by replying straight away, finding your way with the GPS to avoid getting lost, social pressure and our dependence on technology. However, using the phone while driving increases the risk of an accident by a factor of 3.

Our solution? Project message notifications onto the windscreen, as if it were a smartphone screen, to highlight this distraction. The Ministry of Mobility and road safety have also commissioned us to create tutorials clarifying what is legal and what is not.

As soon as you start your vehicle, it is forbidden to touch your smartphone. You must find your way before you set off. No tapping your GPS, even at a red light. While you can use your hands-free kit for a quick call, it’s important to remain cautious. The less interaction with a screen, the better. Keep your eyes on the road!

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