...find out what five media experts have to say
Christian Schmitz (IPL), Emmanuel Fleig (L’Essentiel), Robert Hever (Wort/Regie.lu), Marina Zabala (JCDecaux) and Michel Robert (R&M Media Agency) give us an exclusive insight into their reflections and media vision.
What is their diagnosis of the media evolution and the need to communicate today? What is the added value of working with ID+P, a leading media player in Luxembourg?
As the interviews were written in French by the experts, they have not been translated into English yet. We can send them to you on request. Thank you for your interest.
Christian SCHMITZ
IP Luxembourg
Plus qu’un avis, nous avons fait réaliser une étude par TNS-ILRES du 01 au 03 avril*. Celle-ci a montré une modification importante des
habitudes de consommation des médias. […]
Emmanuel FLEIG
Edita SA / L’essentiel
Il y a au moins 3 niveaux de réponse à cette question. Tout d’abord, l’évolution du paysage médiatique, dans son ensemble, au niveau global, dans un contexte post-Covid 19. […]
Robert HEVER
La situation exceptionnelle que nous connaissons va certainement avoir des conséquences structurelles sur le paysage médiatique actuel. Lesquelles ? Il est encore prématuré de le dire. […]
Country Sales & Public Affairs Director
JCDecaux Luxembourg S.A.
La contexte lié à la crise n’a pas changé les médias, ce sont surtout les audiences qui ont temporairement changées du fait des restrictions et des comportements de consommation qui en ont découlés. […]
Robert&Marien Media Agency
Le confinement par nature a bousculé les habitudes. Cela crée, en fonction de la personnalité de chacun, de nouveaux réflexes, du stress ou des envies de changement. […]

Based in Luxembourg and Brussels, ID+P with its 3 partners “Paradigm, Knewledge, Robert&Marien” bring together 30 media experts. Spread over 2 countries, each team is immersed in their respective market. With a common vision, our teams combine their offline and digital expertise to serve integrated and tailor-made media strategies.
These geographic territories and each media worlds are an integral part of our DNA. Our recommendations are therefore enriched by all of our cultural, socio-demographic, linguistic and of course media specificities.
Our recommendations are based on a multitude of dynamic criteria such as audience performance, analysis of areas of interests, recall and coverage indexes, market and vertical CPM/CPC benchmarks, competitors’ media investments, creative monitoring etc.
The concept of Data encompasses all the factors required for a thorough media plan.
As a leading media player in Luxembourg, ID+P is also structured as a central buying office. Our geographical proximity and perfect knowledge of local media groups favour us with very advantageous purchasing conditions. Our offline and digital media plans are designed so as to trace, at each stage, the budget from the gross price to the final negotiated amount.
The partnership of our 4 entities generates a transversal media expertise. It also gives the clients the certainty of real creativity in the formulas suggested thanks to daily relations with the country’s media. With no other interest than the respect of our clients’ objectives, our choices are always made with transparency and argumentation on the best media. Each recommendation takes into account exclusively their real, quantified and qualitative performances. We are not subject to any constraints from any international groups.
It is therefore never a question of copy and paste plans, but always the guarantee of a media mixes specific to the market’s specificities. Finally, our media pole is integrated into the heart of the creative agency ID+P Communication Company, and stands as another great pillar of competency. Our media teams is always at the service of the creative strategy and ensures that its impacts is amplified as much as possible.
To better understand these multiple indicators, we develop dynamic, multi-source dashboards to precisely manage each campaign. Designed first and foremost for our clients, the dashboards are crafted to help instantly visualize the magnitude of the plan and share it internally. Easy to access and understand, they are characterised above all by their rich content. Thanks to this tool, clients can appreciate with maximum comfort their ROI and KPIs results.
Would you like to know the offline and digital media investments and behaviours in your field?
Which media are consumed by your competitors and the audience target?
Which strategy are best suited to your campaigns?
Let’s meet in Luxembourg, Brussels or by videoconference?