Activity report of the Maison du Grand-Duc
Following the legal obligation of the decree of October 2020 to publish its annual report, the newly created administration, the Maison du Grand-Duc, requested the graphic design of the 2021 report within the framework of an agency consultation.
ID+P’s project was selected; a sober but elegant layout, reflecting both the traditional character of the Luxembourg monarchy and the contemporary side of the activities of the sovereign and his family.

Grand Ducal family's activities...
The main asset of this report was the publication of beautiful photos illustrating, with the help of a few texts and captions, the activities of the Grand Ducal Family at institutional, political, associative, and international level. This part was completed by a chapter on the functional budget of the Maison du Grand-Duc.
It also contains the family tree of the order of succession to the throne, the organisation chart of the Maison du Grand-Duc, the organisation of human resources for the various residences and a brief overview of the Grand Ducal honours.
The layout of the photos emphasises the Head of State’s influence during his public activities. The choice of pastel tones reinforces the noble side of the work with a typography that is both chic and easy to read. The careful use of white space between the various chapters and visuals further enhances the noble side of the report and sets off the individual pages. The whole thing is designed like a family album.

The monarchy in the air of time...
Le regroupement, à la fin de l’œuvre, de toutes les activités de la famille grand-ducale comme dans un agenda, témoigne du caractère hautement symbolique de ce rapport, qui est une première depuis le début de l’instauration de la dynastie Nassau-Weilburg à la tête du Grand-Duché. Afin d’être en phase avec les technologies de communication actuelles, le rapport ne fut imprimé qu’à 200 exemplaires et peut être consulté en ligne par le grand public sur le site officiel de la monarchie www.monarchie.lu