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How to make investing part of our daily lives

In our common imagination, we often think that you must be rich to invest. But it’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation. Where to start? Investing early is a good way to build up your capital over the long term.

Through the concept of “lists”, we enter people’s daily lives. These lists tell our story through our priorities and interests. They paint a portrait of us.

To Do List

Our idea was to place our investment at the same level of daily priority as other daily necessities and pleasures. After all, planning our future should be at the top of our list, don’t you think?

It's hard to keep track of everything!

No need to be an expert, BIL consultants are there to answer questions and adapt to everyone’s situation. This campaign sheds new light on investment so that we can think about it regularly and make it part of our daily concerns.

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