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BIL Wealth Podcast

How do you get wealthy people, investors, bankers, entrepreneurs, and would-be wealthy people to listen to the new BIL Wealth Management Podcast?

The target was twofold, local, and international. Our aim was to rejuvenate the upcoming clientele, but also to appeal to the existing one.


An ambitious podcast...

Our strategy was to break the corporate and financial communication codes to stand out from the crowd with a memorable campaign. BIL differentiated itself from its competitors by the brilliance of its content. The campaign had to reflect this added value.

The goal was to create surprising and unique visuals with subtle hooks to clearly remind us of BIL’s positioning as a patron of the arts.


BIL’s Wealth Management department explains how to best manage your assets. What better way to illustrate this than by showing our artistic heritage? So, we used master paintings. The anachronism between the masterpiece and listening to the podcast makes people smile and reaches a younger target by referring to a contemporary element.

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