Corporate branding
ID+P created a new corporate brand for TRACOL to communicate a feeling of transparency, openness and light. We portrayed the firm’s dynamism and its openness to clients and suppliers with images, shapes and colours.
We developed a contemporary, clear design which can be adapted easily to different communication formats: letterheads, trade fair stands, signage, quotations and bills, posters, sales brochures, flyers, website, and company vehicles.

The new logo reflects the TRACOL brand’s positioning and philosophy
Its design challenges the norms of Luxembourg’s real estate sector. The client shares our conviction that the power of design and the importance of detail make a big difference. This is why we created a simple, clear, unique logo in harmony with TRACOL’s company values.

Brands are inherently fragile, and must be treated as such
Brand guidelines in the brand book are in effect a user’s guide. As part of the TRACOL project we created this reference manual to help all internal and external stakeholders work with the brand image. This is why TRACOL wanted to define sufficient guiding principles to maintain the coherence of its new corporate identity.

A new marketing tool showcasing the firm’s dynamism
The brochure is used by the sales team to highlight TRACOL’s expertise and know how, featuring illustrations of their construction work. This document is in line with the firm’s new visual identity. It was at the centre of their marketing efforts at the “Home & Living” housing week in October 2018, where distributing this brochure enabled them to communicate their fresh image.

TRACOL’S user-friendly site has an eye-catching colour scheme to match the company’s new identity
As well as a new logo and visual identity, TRACOL reworked its website. Now they can showcase a wide range of their construction projects using attractive photos and explanatory text that give the site people can relate to.

Perspectiv appears twice a year, and is the firm’s shop window for clients, potential clients and suppliers.
A total of 2,000 copies of this A3 sized publication are printed. It features news about the company, and highlights on-going construction projects and interesting offers. It is also used for internal communication to ensure that all TRACOL staff are up to date.