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A life-saving mission beyond communication.

The word ‘cancer’ is associated with taboos. It’s a frightening word. However, colorectal cancer is the most common type of cancer, for both men and women, and the one that is best treated when caught early. The Ministry of Health and Social Security therefore commissioned us to develop two video clips to persuade the wider public to take the screening test.

Our approach was to play down the situation, using the poo emoji, which already won an award at the last LeoAward. This time, we’re showing in 15 seconds and in a fun way that the test is not intrusive. It can be done at home.

As a bonus, we’ve worked with Brigitte Lecordier, the iconic voice of so many cartoons including Oui-Oui and Son Goku in Dragon Ball Z, much to the delight of young and old alike.

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