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Trees in the city

On 17 July 2024, the City of Luxembourg unveiled its new environmental protection priorities, aimed at strengthening the resilience of our natural heritage in the face of the climate emergency.


At the same time, a brochure celebrating urban trees and parks, the capital’s green lungs, was published.

Nouveaux horizons verts

Our agency had the pleasure of transforming the raw content into a youthful and attractive layout, avoiding any monotony. The initial German version was then adapted into French and English, while harmoniously respecting the City of Luxembourg’s corporate identity.

The 100-page brochure features photos, text and illustrations produced by our talented graphic designers on the history of parks, a tree register, trees for climate change, and best practices for their care and protection. The Service Parcs explains the importance of green spaces for quality of life, the characteristics of trees and measures to protect them in the face of climatic challenges.

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