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Lalux pension campaign

After the government extended the scope of supplementary pension schemes for independent professionals, Lalux wanted to launch a high-profile campaign highlighting new products it had developed as a result.

Lalux trusted IDP to create a striking visual concept on the subject of retirement pensions. The campaign was translated into five languages, and was designed to suit print, digital and radio formats.

Making clients reflect by stirring their emotions

We took a gentle departure from Lalux’s usual brand guidelines. We used visuals which played on the emotions, leading the viewer to imagine their future life in retirement. Three visuals presented the viewer with the comparative levels of comfort of a sailboat and a pedalo, a deckchair and a beach towel, and an armchair and a simple chair. This projected a strong and memorable image of the brand’s advantages, and the prominent use of Lalux’s colours meant they were instantly recognisable.

tournage spot Lalux Pension

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